Prudence's new seminar "Menopause Breakthrough" is open for pre-registration.
Learn More HERE >>
I approach each patient with Regenerative Medicine practices, which identifies the root causes of symptoms based on hormonal balance, inflammatory triggers, and emotional wellbeing.

Meet Dr. Prudence Hall
Welcome! I’m Dr. Prudence Hall, and I’m passionate about helping women reclaim their health, and their lives. From perimenopause to menopause and the challenges along the way, I use regenerative and integrated medicine to guide women everywhere in rediscovering their energy, vitality, and joy for life.
After years as a traditional gynecological surgeon, it was this passion that led me to create The Hall Center in Santa Monica, California, and write my book, Radiant Again & Forever, which helps women understand what is happening to their bodies, and become empowered as they navigate this transition.
With care and compassion, I’m here to help you get to the root cause of those frustrating symptoms and reinstate harmony within.

Meet Dr. Prudence Hall
Breakthrough Program
This 10 week online group program gives you an individualized treatment plan, restoring your hormones to overcome menopause.
I take my clients through my three phase process:
Test & Assess: I test all your hormones to have a clear picture of exactly which hormones are out of balance.
Treat and Rebalance: With the use of bio-identical hormones, we can restore the hormones that decline during menopause.
Lifestyle Changes: This is where everything comes together: diet, exercise, stress management, and finding new passions in your life.
After this program you’ll be ready to get back the life you love!

Join The Radiant Community
Menopause is far from an end. It’s a beginning. Surrounded by like-minded women, there’s no limit to what you can experience and achieve in the second half of your life.
With my online Radiant Community, you’ll find meaningful connections and support from inspiring women all around the world.
Free Download "Radiant Again & Forever"
In my book, I offer you a new way of experiencing life―a transition away from the pain, suffering, confusion and health problems and moving to embracing happiness, youthful vitality, confidence, and natural beauty. Each chapter of “Radiant Again and Forever” follows a woman’s story, and you’ll be able to evaluate how your symptoms might be similar to hers. Yes, you will literally diagnose yourself as well as your friends, sisters and mothers based on what you read. You’ll understand what is happening to your body and empower yourself towards healing and wholeness.
Enter your email to receive your copy!

I've been going to Dr. Hall for nearly 15 years - long before she opened Hall Center Venice. She is hands down the best doctor I've ever had and I consider her my doctor for the whole body & mind.
- Jennifer Hooper
Her knowledge and insight into life, health and wellness is so inspiring . She's the only person I've ever met , who knows who I am and what my soul needs , without me saying a word..
- Anouk Pascale
I am truly blessed to be able to call her my Doctor. My life has change for the better since the first day I met her. Indeed it shows, I feel amazing! Thank you Dr. Prudence Hall and your staff, you're simply the best!!!
- Rosie Aden